

February 12th my 2nd nephew was born. His name is Jake Fletcher Chandler and he was 8 lb. 2 oz. I don't know how long he was. I'm terrible with numbers, so I consider it good if I can remember the weight. :) Anyways, that's apparently a big size for a baby, and he's doing really well. I love watching my sister with him, because she is so sweet and tireless and just lovely. She was born to be a mommy. Big brother, Case, loves his little brother, but it took him a little while to adjust to sharing his parents' attention. Of course, it turns out that he was still a little sick from a bout with the flu the weekend before, so that definitely contributed to his emotional state. His little world is definitely being rocked, I'm sure. My mom says I acted the same way towards her when Shannon was brought home from the hospital. I wouldn't look at mommy or really respond to her. I got over that, though, lucky for mom. :) I was really blessed to be able to fly down and help out my family for a couple of days. It was great to see them. That's the hardest thing about being up here; you miss out on all the little events that are important enough to drive a couple of hours for, but not gigantic enough to fly halfway across the country for. Shannon didn't need me to come, but it did me good to be there.

I really enjoy flying. It's a great exercise in peoplewatching. I met some interesting people on the flights. I was waiting from 2:30 til about 8:00 Thursday to get on a flight flying standby with AA. I took my Venti Nonfat Chai Latte to a bench and was reading, when I noticed the guy sitting behind me was completely perplexed. His nice luggage shoulder strap had come apart at the D-ring. However, both pieces were made from solid pewter, and had no cracks. How it came apart was a mystery that we discussed heavily, but alas, with no resolution. I didn't get on the first flight out, sadly enough, but I was assured that the next flight would accommodate me, so I had to wait some more. I let this older gentleman watch my bag for a bit so that I could go blow my nose without lugging my um, luggage, around. I felt brazen for doing this, since every 5 minutes there were announcements about not leaving your stuff, either alone or in someone else's care, for any amount of time. I went against the rules, and didn't get caught....haha! No lectures, please...:) On the flight home, I met this lady who used to work in LA as a gun-handler for the movies. She would provide the guns for action flicks. So cool! She said that Tommy Lee Jones is just a jerk, and Antonio Banderas is very short. Plus, when A.B. came in, the Taco Bell dog was also there and the dog got more attention than he did. If I were there, this would not have been my reaction...

In other news, we are closing on our house next week, if all goes well, and we will have a month full of renovations in front of us! Saturday we went by the house and saw that someone had thrown a big brick through our basement window. I was kinda freaked by this, but no one was inside and my heart finally calmed down. The realtor said that the leasing agent would secure the area and replace the window, so we were glad that we didn't have to worry about it. The kitchen, after further inspection, needs some serious work. The insides of the cabinets are warped and stained. I can paint them for a short fix, but it won't fix the warpedness. The walls are a hideous wallpaper. But, all the walls in the house need paint, so we will be doing that, as well as replacing the carpet upstairs. It'll be a chore, but I'm excited about getting my hands dirty. :)

1 comment:

Mike said...

I have never bought a house and don't foresee it happening for a very long time, but time and time again, I hear of people buying houses that needs thousands of dollars of repair. Is this normal? I have heard of unfinished basements, which the house I grew up in had, which my dad finished years later, but the repairs sound pretty bad from what you said.