

Today I made a decision that was very difficult. I went to my second day as a temp at the title company, and after 15 minutes of being there, I quit. All day yesterday I was frustrated because I was receiving inadequate instructions, and then reprimands when I didn't accomplish what I was asked to do correctly. I am a huge proponent of the"the only dumb question is the one that goes unasked" ideal, therefore I made sure I asked for clarification if I wasn't sure how to do something. However, these were always answered with snaps of irritation and looks of, "How can you be so dumb?". Plus, the language I heard yesterday was very inappropriate. Words that should never enter a professional setting were being thrown around like crazy.When I went in today, it started immediately. After asking a question and getting a rude answer, I calmly said, "I cannot continue to do this, if you do not change your tone with me." She said, " I so don't have time to deal with you. If you can't handle it, just leave". So I did, but not before she added this parting shot: "No wonder you are just a temp." Seriously. She doesn't know me. She's just a 24 year old assistant who is in way over her head because her boss went on vacay for 2 weeks, and she can't handle the stress. I tried to be understanding of this yesterday, because one of the other girls told me the situation. But by the afternoon, I felt so small that I wanted to melt into my chair. I wanted to be strong, to stick the next 2 work days out, but this morning I realized that my life is too short. When I was a teacher, I had a principal who thought nothing of me. She had no expectations, and treated me as if I was an useless ignorant girl. By the end of my third year teaching, I was going out of my way to avoid her in the halls, ducking out the back door at the end of the day, because if she saw me and deemed me worthy to speak to, it was only because I had done something wrong. That is what her disrespect did to me. After being out of that situation, I realized that it is extremely unhealthy to be in that environment, and I won't put myself through that again. Others may be able to handle the emotional abuse, day in and out, but I can't. I have grown so much in confidence since I stopped teaching, and I fully believe that it is because I only surround myself with people who believe in me. I know that every job will have its problems, but disrespect is one that I will never again put up with. God loves me, and this is all that matters!!!

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