

Up until April 26, Cole had met no food he didn't like. But on that mid-Spring night, the Spinach jar was opened. He eyed it greedily, because it looked like peas. But oh, that texture was different. He opened his mouth again, hoping it was a mistake, but the same weird texture accosted him again. After several attempts at this, he just turned his head, as if to say, "No. You've made a mistake. That green stuff is not what I was expecting, and therefore, I will not eat it."

The next night, we tried it again, making sure to smash all the lumps really good. And still, the same thing happened. So we pulled out the peas, for they are always a hit, but Cole, smart boy that he is, did not trust the green jar anymore.

Perhaps today we will go back to carrots. Maybe he will forget about how the green stuff is tricky, if it stays away a couple of days.

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