
The teacher of our Sunday class just got a new job as the director for volunteers and escorts for the inauguration. He had to clarify that the "escorts" were the kind that helps diplomats find their seats, etc. Not the other kind of "escorts". He also referred to the "POTUS" and I had to have Lee fill me in on what that acronym stood for. In my defense, when I heard "POTUS" I saw the letters "PODIS" so of course I was confused. Apparently this nickname for the "President Of The United States" came from the TV show West Wing, and now it is used in the political arena all the time.

Last night I had Lee go for a walk with me to the grocery store. He complained because he walks, "maybe a mile a day, already" because of the distance from work to the metro. This argument doesn't hold water anymore, because my father is walking 3-4 miles a day and his diabetes is really doing excellent right now. You go dad!

I don't have a job yet so I sit around the house all day, staring at the boxes, wondering which one I should tackle first. My kitchen is completely set up and functional, as of yesterday. This gives me an unforeseen sense of peace. It's like my domain has been regained unto me. Wierd.

1 comment:

Denny & Linda Sneed said...

Alecia and Lee ... It is great to read your blog. I am glad that you sent us the website to go to.

Take care. Enjoy putting interesting things on it. And it will be interesting to read of your life in DC as compared to your Texas upbringing.

But let me warn you not to put too much personal data on the site. There are a lot of sick people lurking on the Internet, just waiting to do what they do best. Don't tell them your address, phone number or full names and other important identifying info. It's like living in a small town. Everyone knows you and knows where you are at all times. And when you aren't home. That's how we got robbed in Earth. Everyone knew our habits, etc.

Have fun telling your "story" and letting us come into your home. I for one will be anxious to read of your experiences.

Linda Sneed in Scotland