

We re-nicknamed our basement. You may or may not be aware that there are other renters in the big house that we live in. If you look at the picture of our house in a previous post, you will have a point of reference. The owners live in the back half of the house, using both stories. We, of course, are in the basement. There are four bedrooms in the front 2 stories of the house, all being rented out for $5oo a month apiece. They share 2 bathrooms and a microwave. Seriously. The microwave is sitting in the entryway. All last week there was construction going on, waking me up at an outrageously early hour of 9:00. Today, we found out that they were building a new room to rent out, in the entryway. That means that now we are living in a house with 12 different people. In Texas, this so would be illegal. It probably is up here...but it would be annoying to move out, which we would have to do if we tattled on them. And just for all of you math-challenged people, they will be making $4000 a month. Tax-free, since we all pay in cash and get no receipts. When asked for a receipt so that we could prove that we paid rent, one of the renters was told, "You are living here, which proves you paid your rent". Oooookay. Scary. And we will start re-looking for housing, very soon. Oh, so our new nickname for our housing situation is the "Hostel".

We walked to Best Buy tonight because the weather is so awesome here! It'll be in the 80's all week. I'm so psyched. At B.B. we saw 2 sights that made me wish I had my camera. #1, there was this 20-something girl wearing a peach colored spandex dress that seriously barely covered her booty. It was skin-tight and she kept having to pull it down, as it inched up with every step she took. It looked like something you'd see in a nightclub (or street corner) in Miami, not in broad daylight at a shopping center in Virginia. Who knew strippers shopped at Best Buy? #2, there was a lady in B.B. with her dog. Not a seeing-eye dog or anything, just a random, spoiled-brat dog for a random, spoiled brat lady. I know that's harsh, but it seemed completely pretentious to have this lady carrying her precious pooch while shopping for laptops.

I'm done ranting. :)

1 comment:

Meredith R said...

The hostel situation does sound interesting. At least you have the basement to yourselves!
At Target, some spoiled person (always a woman, I'm ashamed to say) will bring in her spoiled dog. Most recently, my tech, an older woman who never fears speaking her mind, asked "Is that a dog?" The spoiled woman replied, "Oh, is that a no-no?"