
Quick story

I meant to add this embarrassing little tale to the last blog, and forgot.

Last week while I was frantically packing, I laid out all my nonessential makeup on the shelf above the commode, on top of the magazines. I haven't cleaned up this mess yet. Today I reached for my latest Glamour and knocked an eyeshadow into the, um, used toilet. I tried to catch it, but since I was "sitting down", this was just impossible. I was not about to stick my hand in there, and yet, I don't think flushing this compact would have been healthy for the septic system. So as I am staring at the water that is slowly turning a pinkish color, I get the idea to use kitchen tongs. Fortunately, I have a couple so I could afford to sacrifice one to the Porcelain Throne. I finally got the makeup fished out and laughed at the weird antics I get myself into. By the way, it's not the first time that I have dropped something in the toilet. I've lost chapstick, jewelry, hair ties, and now makeup all to the toilet. I've got to try harder to keep that lid closed!

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