
People Watch, 8.12.08

I walked to the grocery store today, which is about a mile away. On the way I stopped at an "unique grocery store" called Trader Joe's. They specialize in organic, fresh foods and I wanted to price their veggies. They ended up being more economical than Safeway, so I decided to stop on my way back and stock up. In the produce section at Trader Joe's, there was a man having a conversation either with or about Teddy Roosevelt...I couldn't decide which, but I don't think he ever noticed that I was standing next to him. He wasn't there on my return trip.
As I continued on my trek I passed a bakery where 2 young men were sitting outside having a very heated argument. Strike that, it was just one man arguing with his reflection. They/He was still there when I passed back by. I guess they had a lot of unresolved issues.
Safeway was uneventful, but as I was checking out at Trader Joe's, I overheard the lady in front of me chastizing the checker because the organic mushrooms are sold in styrofoam containers. I have to admit she had a point; it was quite the ironic statement TJ's was making. The poor checker was really at a loss of words as the lady kept going on and on about it. I wanted to point out the window and say, " Ooh! Look at that car putting all that exhaust! Someone should go yell at that driver..." She probably wouldh've donned her "SuperTreeHugger" cape and rushed off to rid the world of all cars, leaving Trader Joe's to run their own business.
Speaking of saving the world, I did quite a bit in that regard today. I walked instead of drove, bought organic foods, and brought my own bags. Although, I walked to lose weight, bought organic because it was cheaper, and brought my own bags because plastic bags rip so easily and it takes twice as many to carry all my stuff. But still, go me. I deserve a fudgsicle (no sugar added, of course).

1 comment:

Meredith R said...

Go Alecia! You're well on your way to becoming a skinny tree-hugger yourself. Will you stop using petrolem-based and animal-tested beauty products next? Ha ha!